General Conditions
General Conditions for the execution of Tandem Jumps
1. This Contract is effective at the signature of the present form and receipt of the same by Skydiving Promotion SRL. Payment is automatically due when Contact becomes effective.
2. a) The Contract remains effective until the realization of the tandem jump, the latest December 31st of the year following the signature of the Contract. Should the Tandem jump be not executed at this date, the obligations of Skydiving Promotion SRL cease automatically;
2. b) From the moment the contract with Skydiving Promotion has been entered, the purchaser of the gift certificate or the named passenger can revoke the contract and be fully reimbursed within the first 14 days. Between the 15th and the 30th day an administrative fee of 25€ will be deducted from the amount to be reimbursed. After 30 days a reimbursement is not possible. However, the gift certificate can be transferred to another person.
3. No complete nor partial refund will take place if the tandem Passenger has entered the airplane and refused to jump. Entering the airplane means that the Passenger with his tandem instructor are installed in the airplane and that the engine has been started. In that case, Skydiving Promotion SRL will be considered as having fulfilled their obligations
4. Tandem jumps will be conducted by an experience instructor with a special Tandem Master rating delivered by an approved Federation. All equipment used for conducting tandem jumps is equipped with a state-of-art safety device that activates the reserve parachute when necessary. This reserve parachute is of ram air type and is quite similar to the main parachute.
5. Thanks to the experience of the tandem instructors and the quality of the equipment used, tandem skydiving involves relatively little risk. However, even in the optimal conditions for jumping, a risk of injury cannot be totally excluded, for ex. due to an eventual inappropriate position of the passenger during the landing or a wind gust. Skydiving Promotion scrl subscribes for every tandem passenger a limited insurance covering injuries and third party liability.
6. a) The tandem instructor is covered for liability for the damages he could be considered as responsible during his task of tandem instructor. Moreover, the owners of the airplane as well as the pilots are covered for their liability within the frame of the legal requirements.
6. b) The tandem passenger exonerates the tandem instructor, the owner of the parachute, the owner of the airplane, Skydiving Promotion/Skydive Spa and their employees, within the limits fixed by law, from any responsibility that is not mentioned within the frame of the insurances mentioned in § 6.a..
7. a) Skydiving Promotion SRL and their employees have the exclusivity for the execution of tandem skydives. Due to the weather conditions or eventual temporary lack of capacity, delays or even reports may not be excluded. We insist of the fact that we cannot guarantee the execution of a tandem skydive at a pre-programmed time or even date. The organization is not liable for the appointments given. In some circumstances, several visits to the skydiving centers might be necessary before being able to perform the
jump. The tandem passenger also accepts that, in case of conflict, the obligations of Skydiving Promotion Srl towards Skydive Spa and their members or other active parachutists may have priority over those of the tandem passengers.
8. The tandem passenger certifies that he complies with the medical requirements of the Belgian Parachuting Federation. In addition, every situation that could cause a problem during the jump should be mentioned to the tandem instructor.
9. Skydiving Promotion SRL have the right to refuse a Passenger if serious reasons force them to do so, especially in the case of security concerns. In that case, the paid amount will be refunded fully.
10. Should the Tandem Passenger be refused for reasons such as:
- Violation to the aeronautical laws or the rules of the airport
- Refusal to follow Instructions or recommendations given by Skydiving Promotion SRL or their partner and employees.
- Jeopardizing of own safety or safety of others. In those cases, there shall be no right for any refund.
11. The tandem passenger accepts that the information provided with this form be saved and eventually conveyed to a Financial operator and/or an insurance company to allow further treatment. On purchase of a video- or video-/photo package, the passenger accepts that Skydiving Promotion has the copyright to these images and can use them in their own publications
12. Should one clause of the present contract be incorrectly formulated, an agreement will be found that matches the best the spirit of this clause. In case of incorrect formulation of one clause of this contract, all the other clauses articles remain valid.
13. Processing of personal data:
Personal data collected and processed for the purpose of drafting and implementing this contract are processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and the Law of 8 December 1992 on the protection of privacy with regard to the processing of personal data. In this regard, I confirm that I have been shown the specific documentation, including a request for consent and a "Privacy Policy", which I have duly read.
14. Consent of photos and videos taken by Skydiving-Promotion/Skydive Spa.
- Hereby, I confirm my consent to be photographed and filmed as part of the various montages and/or shootings of Skydiving Promotion/Skydive Spa or Skydive Cerfontaine.
- I also recognize that your employees, assignees and licensees have the perpetual right to use these media in different ways and that those can be further developed in the future. All videos, stills and animated images as well as recordings of soundtracks that you will make of me or my voice, and the right to use my name or a photograph as part of the exhibition, advertising, or any other use of these images or recording.
- I will not ask for compensation to the creators/producers for my involvement in this project. I will not sell any copy or use it for commercial purposes such as broadcast, online streaming or any other video/DVD output.
15. For all parts of this contract Belgian law applies.
To be declared fit to practice parachute jumps, the candidate must meet the following conditions :
- Have a good general constitution but it is not necessary to have an especially developed musculature. A tendency of being overweight will be evaluated according to the possible functional consequences.
- Have a normal abdominal belt. Hernias or weaknesses of the abdominal belt that would prohibit the efforts of jumping will be eliminatory. Any surgical intervention on the abdominal belt should have been performed at least three months prior to the jump.
- Any surgical intervention on the major vessels or on the arterial vessels of the lower limbs is eliminatory unless cleared by the examining physician.
- Have a normal pulmonary status, any signs of tuberculosis form a contra-indication. Asthma and emphysema will need a pulmonary exam
- Serious digestive tract diseases with a possibility of acute impairment have to be judged by the examining physician.
- Any previous lesion of the brain or skull will need a through neurological exam. The need to perform an EEG will left to the judgement of the examining physician.
- Present a normal mental and emotional status. Exceedingly emotional people, as well as neurotic or psychotic persons might be exempt from jumping.
- Any previous heart or vascular disease will require a thorough cardiac examination.
- Spine, pelvis and limbs should not present any condition which could affect the security of a normal jump.
- Be free of medication or other type of chronic intoxication.
- For female candidates, pregnancy is a contra-indication.
- Hits: 5148